Postural Dysfunction

Postural Dysfunction

What is Postural Dysfunction?

We all have positions we spend a lot of time in. If one of these positions puts your spine and other joints out of their normal balanced alignment, this is a postural dysfunction and your muscles will adapt and become unbalanced, as described above.

What is the end result?

When a muscle imbalance pulls one of your joints out of position, this puts a strain on that joint. When that strain stresses the nerves around the joint, you feel pain. If your body readjusts itself to ease the pain, other sets of muscles can become imbalanced and the cycle can continue. A small, local problem in some muscles can become a neuro-muscular-skeletal problem that affects distant parts of your body.

Postural problems can manifest in a wide range of different ways such as:

Lower Back Pain

Facet joint and ligament strain

Slipped discs

Shoulder Impingement and Rotator Cuff tendonitis

Headaches and Neck Pain

Trapped Nerves

Sports Injuries

Hamstring tears
Anterior knee pain

What can be done about it?

Once properly assessed, muscle imbalances and postural dysfunctions are fairly easy to correct. Generally we focus on three main areas:

Mobilising joints and releasing short, tight muscles and soft tissues

Strengthening the longer, weaker muscles to correct the body’s alignment and movement control

Identifying and changing the lifestyle and working factors that are contributing to the underlying